Lello’s Booking Reservation Tool
The aim of this project was to create a booking reservation tool for the Lello’s Restaurant in partnership with Logispin, where employees will get a discount on a set lunch menu. An important requirement was to manage time slots, so the restaurant will know how many reservations they can accept at a specific time. The visuals below will show first the back office, where admins from the restaurant can manage food, slots, menu, messages and reports.
Back Office
Login Page:
Login Page with errors:
There are two type of users for the login page: admin (restaurant) and standard users (Logispin).
If a standard user forgets the password, he will need to contact the IT Service Desk for support, because the credentials will be the same of the active directory.
If an admin user forgets the password, he will have the possibility to reset it by entering his restaurant email address.
Food Database
The visual below displays the foods/drinks list saved in the database. The admin can check for each item the price, category and a description. Also it’s possible to filter this list by category or by typing the name.
On the left side there’s the section to add a new item to the database. The button “Add to List” is disabled because all the fields above it are empty.
After selecting an item from the list, the left menu will be automatically filled in with data of the selected food. The admin can also manage category by editing the name, by adding a new one or delete an existing one. Finally the selected item can be edited or deleted from the database.
If the admin selects multiple items, then the input boxes from left column will be disabled because those informations won’t match, but it will still be possible to add/edit/delete category or delete selected items.
The visual below shows how the admin can add a new item to the database and how to add a new category.
Manage Menu
Through this page the admin will be able to choose a date and create a lunch set menu for that specific week. For each course the admin will use a smart search filter, that will give suggestions for each letter typed in.
The manage slot page is needed by the admin in order to add/edit/delete slots for each day, based on the selected week. The admin can also set a limit to the capacity, specifying the maximum number of people that can request a reservation for each slot.
If the checkbox “Day Off” is flagged, than that specific day will be disabled so it won’t be possible to accept reservations. It is also possible to set the configuration as default, so it will be used as template for future weeks.
This page displays the list of messages received including reservations or additional notes coming from the booking such as preferences or food allergies. The admin can filter the search result by typing content or by displaying inbox, archived or deleted messages.
In this case no messages have been received.
New messages received are highlighted in bold.
After selecting a message, this will be automatically opened on the right as a thread conversation. The admin can now reply to the customer or archive/delete the message.
If multiple messages are selected, by clicking on the checkbox, the admin will be able to archive or delete them.
The Reports Page allows the admin to check all the informations related to any booked reservation, such as details of the employee, time slot and date, food ordered and if there were delays or absences.
The admin can print or export the query’s result as a PDF or an Excel file.
Front End
The “Book a Seat” will be used by the Logispin employees to book a table at Lello’s Restaurant. After selecting the date, the user will have to choose between two options:
Lello’s Lunch Menu will let the employee to choose a time slot and what food to order including an additional message.
The other option allows the employee to choose a slot but it won’t be possible to select a lunch set menu. Instead it will let the user choose at the restaurant from the A La Carte Menu.